One does need to emphasize the enormity of the poverty and the suffering that the majority of the people of the world experience today, although true as this observation may be, it is fair to say that all of the world’s hunger can’t be solved in a day. The Lord expects us to contribute our efforts according to the talents we have been given.

FFC was established to respond to some of the needs seen at the family level, our goal is to bring wholeness in Christ through an all-inclusive approach, we know that satan is our adversary whose biding we do when Jesus Christ is not the Lord of our lives. This program is designed to reach out to both the parents and the children.

Families that fall into these categories of needs go through a process of evaluation; a goal is set for the family. Usually these goals include making sure that the children in the family have food to eat at least three times a day, going to school, and have their healthcare needs assured, and most of all take them through a discipleship program to reveal the person of Jesus Christ to them.

Parents at the same time are allowed to set their own goals, usually their goals include being able to provide for the family by the time they graduate from the program,  the parents go through a mandatory parenting class, and subsistence business training class and while going through these programs they are also exposed to the gospel.


The children in the program usually stay in our hostel Monday through Friday where their needs food, health, educational and spiritual needs are met, at the end of the week they eventually return home to join their parents, simultaneously through the week the parents go through the various training programs that have been established for them.


The program is expected to last a year except when the goals were not met.

Medical Mission


A few years ago, when Glean Ministries began to operate in Africa, the idea of a medical mission was hatched as part of our endeavor to reach the people. Initially, the process involved hiring local medical doctors, pharmacists and nurses to treat and care for the sick in the rural areas. We also brought in medical personnel from the United States and Romania.


Through this outreach, doors were opened which led to the birth of churches. Rural medical mission is not always an easy undertaking, however. Vehicles were breaking down, equipment broke and got short-circuited from generator problems, and we realized how high the risk of accidents really was. Out of this came the idea of a mobile clinic, but we did not know at the time how it would come about.

Traveling with the family through Wisconsin on a visit home to the United States, we saw abandoned school buses and dreamed of what we could do with access to such buses. Little did we know someone overheard our vision and a few weeks later a church in Wisconsin delivered a full-sized school bus to us in Cleveland. That was the start of our journey to create the RAPHAEL. 


The RAPHAEL is a school bus that we outfitted into a mobile Clinic. The design makes it a multipurpose medical facility that can be rearranged to fit specific medical needs. We plan to continually upgrade as we grow to meet the needs of the rural areas. Currently, the following medical services can be provided on the RAPHAEL:

  • Dental medicine
  • General, infectious and tropical diseases
  • Ophthalmology
  • General surgeries and stitches
  • Sigmoidoscopy
  • Digital colonoscopy
  • Dental X-ray
  • Various types of Ultra sound investigations
  • Obstetric and gynecological examinations

The Raphael is available as an ecumenical tool to assist the church of Christ in enlarging the work of the kingdom.

Our services

Our medical mission seeks to serve all those in need, and does not discriminate on any basis, including gender, race or religious affiliation. Our main focus is to bring the love of Jesus Christ to the dying world, hoping that those we serve will hear His voice and be saved.

Our medical mission is available to assist churches in the community. Churches that have a vision for church plants and the desire to minister to the health of their target community can apply to Glean Ministries. After necessary conditions have been met, the Glean medical team will show up to assist.


Apart from the few permanent members of our staff, our medical personnel serve on a voluntary basis, so we are constantly recruiting personnel to serve with us in the following areas:   

  • General practitioners 
  • Surgeons
  • Radiologist
  • Laboratory technicians
  • Pharmacists
  • Psychiatrists
  • Non-medical professionals 
    • Mechanics 
    • Drivers
    • Plumbers
    • Carpenters


Glean Ministries is committed to taking the Gospel to the four corners of the world, strengthening the indigenous church, and impacting communities with the love of Jesus Christ through church planting and discipleship training.